Sony Ericsson has unveiled a new mobile phone under their T series. T700i features a 3.2 MP camera, 2-inch 256k color TFT display, integrated MP3 player, stereo speakers, HSDPA, Bluetooth, TrackID and it comes with a 512 MB memory card. T700i is based on the famous T610i and dons premium metal finish encasing for the exquisite look everyone will fall for. T700i will be available in 3 colors, black on silver, black on red and shining silver from fourth quarter of 2008. Sven Totte, head of marketing for Sony Ericsson says the slim elegance of the T700i gives users a premium experience at a mid-range price point. Everyone who bought and adored the iconic T610i will be keen to get their hands on the new T700i.
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